Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Rejoice!! The TV gods have truly smiled upon us today!

30 Rock is easily my favorite new show and one of the best comedies on TV. If you aren't watching it you are horribly horribly wrong.

Well, the powers that be over at NBC have renewed it for next season, which will hopefully keep my favorite lineup on TV intact (My Name is Earl, The Office, 30 Rock). Hey, those of us that can't stomach Grey's Anatomy have to have something to watch on Thursday nights, goshdarnit!!!

30 Rock Renewed for 2007-2008

So today, I am happy! Now, free Chipotle for lunch!!! I'm the luckiest boy in the world.


Orangelamb said...

I have to agree with The Brad here, Thursday night on NBC is pretty much where it's AT. I Tivo all four shows just in case I'm out and abouts during them. The Office has become one my particular favs b/c I now find myself working in an awful, sterile, cubicle-filled environment.

Brad said...

I also work in an awful, sterile, cubicle-filled environment!!!

Imagine that!