Monday, March 12, 2007

The Running Man.

This weekend, for a brief moment, winter loosened it's grip on my fair city. It actually got up to the *gasp* 50's!!

After running in near-zero windchills for the past two months, it was finally the day I'd been waiting through the cold and darkness for. I pulled on my shorts, tied up my shoes and headed out. I ran toward Lake Michigan where we have one of the best running paths anywhere. If you ever visit Chicago and you are a runner you must log some miles on it. It's a glorious way to see the Second City and it's inhabitants. (Map here.) Oh, as you can see they let bikers and rollerbladers on it too, but please don't run me over.

I felt so good I planned on running six, but once all was said and done, I finshed seven miles in just slightly under an hour. I took it nice and easy, enjoying the scenery and all that was going on. It was quite crowded down there but awesome none the less. It was like the city was waking from a great slumber. It was my best run of the year so far and I just keep feeling better and better. Training for the Soldier Field 10 mile starts next Monday, then once that is run it will be time to focus on the Chicago Marathon in October. Barring injury, I'm feeling quite positive about doing well in both.

Oh, and I've currently run 116 miles since January 1st.


Anonymous said...

Kick-ass job, Brad!

You need to work with Gatorade on an Old Style Beer flavor! Or perhaps it is the pair of sunglasses with the Miss Chenoweth transparancies in the lenses...


Brad said...


Old Style Gatorade? That may be just crazy enough to work!


Orangelamb said...

Seriously, 7 miles? I'm impressed! I'm ecstatic when I don't die after 2. Guess I need more practice. Heh