Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Softball season starts with a bang

My softball team, Scared Hitless, started the season off well last night beating the Brew Crew 17-1. The Brew Crew are new to the league and I'm afraid we weren't very welcoming to them in their first game in the hyper-competitive Bartlett Softball A-league.

Unfortunately, I will be missing the next game due versus The Stirrups to my week long visit to the lovely Garden State.


Anonymous said...

Didn't we win 17-1? Are you trying to short change us? You don't work for Vito do you?


Brad said...

I just felt so bad for them.

Fixed now.

...and Vito is dead to me! ;)

Anonymous said...

where at in nj? I'm stuck here for the moment, in princeton. if you're close by we should get a drink. btw, any news on the show?

listener bhorn

Brad said...

I will be up in Clifton....right across from NYC...outside of Newark.

Anonymous said...


well, maybe next time.

i'm moving to chicago at the end of the summer. what neighborhoods do you suggest living in (close to downtown)?

listener bhorn

Brad said...

Bhorn...email me with more details on what you are looking for, will help me to tell you where to look.
