Friday, February 09, 2007

My new winter coat.... I've already complained about the cold once this week....and normally I'd let it go by now....but this is re-goddamn-diculous! It hasn't been above 20 degrees since last Thursday. I'm actually getting kind of used to just always being cold. I think what is really bothering me is the fact since it has been so cold, I have not strapped on my running shoes since last Thursday night. Running has been keeping me sane for the past few months now and I was just really getting into the sickness when this cold snap hit. Heck, it's gotten to the point where I've been saying to myself that "It's 18 out but that's pretty close to 20 (my cut off point)!". Now that's sick.

I'm to the point where I may break down soon and hit a much as I detest them. Bah.

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