Tuesday, February 06, 2007

You'll freeze to death before you reach the first marker!

So it's cold in Chicago.........I know "water is wet, the sky is blue" but c'mon this is just silly. It is 1 degree Fahrenheit right now. (BTW, I'm all about going to the metric system for the mere fact that I have never been able to spell Fahrenheit. Celsius is SOOOO much easier to spell.)
Did I mention that it is 1?
...and it's snowing like crazy. It is not supposed to snow when it is 1. Those are the rules. No snowing when it is 1. Obviously, those rules no longer apply. Dagnabit.
I haven't even been running since last Thursday because it's just too damn cold. When I ran Thursday night it was a balmy 20 degrees out. Now I can only hope for it to get that warm again. Yes, I'm hoping that it will get above 20. That's pretty pathetisad. Hell, I'll prolly be sweating my butt off when I run when we hit the 30's.
Yesterday was so cold, I just didn't leave the apartment at all let alone go for a run. Tikitten and I slept a lot and it was glorious.
All in all, I feel the blame lies with my friends and family. If they didn't all live up here, I'd still be living in Savannah, where it is a balmy 50 degrees right now. When I come down with the hypothermia and lose three toes to frostbite, they are all gonna feel SOOOOOO guilty, and rightfully so.
I kind of feel bad for them a little...but then I start to lose the feeling in my extremities....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it is in the 60's today. I rode my motorcycle in to work and it was glorious.